Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Profile Pitch

Emporium, an antique furniture shop, is located in downtown Kalamazoo near Bell's Brewery and Water Street Coffee.  I stopped by early in the quarter, hoping to pick up some furniture for the apartment.  While I didn't find what I was looking for, I was intrigued by the shop itself.  There are three buildings packed so tightly with furniture that one can barely walk through the aisles.  Products range in condition from well-kept, expensive dressers to dusty bookshelves.  The store only opens from 7-9pm on weekdays and from 2-6pm on weekends.  I plan to profile the man who runs the place and his business.  Things that particularly interest me:

1. How did he get into the business?
2. How is it economically viable with such short hours?
3. Where does all the furniture come from?
4. What does he do with the rest of his day?

This pitch is less complete than it should be.  I have yet to talk to the owner because I've been working Phonathon shifts during the store's open hours ever since I came up with the topic.  This weekend I intend to journey down there and chat a little bit to see if there's a good story and if the owner would be willing to do it.

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